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Slotted Waveguide Antenna Arrays for Airborne Radars
Proceedings of the 18th Int. Conference on Microwave, Radar and Wireless Communications (MIKON-2010). June 14-16, Vilnius, Lithuania, Vol. 1, pp.23-26 (2010)

S.S. Sekretarov, D.M. Vavriv and L.V. Shevtsova

This paper presents a review of recent activities on the development of X-, Ku-, and Ka-band slotted waveguide antennas. Potential applications of the antennas include various airborne radars systems. We illustrate the implementation of the antennas into a helicopter collision avoidance and weather radar, a surveillance and tracking radar, and an airborne SAR system. The corresponding design solutions, antenna and radar characteristics are discussed as well.

