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Y.G. Shkuratov

Institute of Astronomy Kharkiv National University

4 Publications

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Articles in Refereed Journals

1. Y.G. Shkuratov, A.A. Konovalenko, V.V. Zakharenko, A.A. Stanislavsky, E.Y. Bannikova, V.G. Kaydash, D.G. Stankevich, V.V. Korokhin, D.M. Vavriv and V.G. Galushko: A twofold mission to the moon: Objectives and payloads, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 154, pp.214-226 (2019)

2. Y.G. Shkuratov, A.A. Konovalenko, V.V. Zakharenko, A.A. Stanislavsky, E.Y. Bannikova, V.G. Kaydash, D.G. Stankevich, V.V. Korokhin, D.M. Vavriv and V.G. Galushko: Ukrainian Mission to the Moon: How to and with What, Space Science and Technology, Vol. 24, #1, pp.3-30 (2018) (in Russian)

3. V.G. Galushko, V.V. Vinogradov and Y.G. Shkuratov: Millimeter Wave Satellite Radar for Investigation of the Moon's Surface: A Proposal, Radio Physics and Radio Astronomy, Vol. 23, #3, pp.212-228 (2018) (in Russian)

Presentations on International Meetings

4. Y.G. Shkuratov, A.A. Konovalenko, V.V. Zakharenko, A.A. Stanislavsky, E.Y. Bannikova, V.G. Kaydash, D.M. Vavriv, V.G. Galushko, V.V. Vinogradov and L.N. Litvinenko: Objectives of a prospective Ukrainian orbiter mission to the Moon, 17th Ukrainian Conference Space Research, Odesa, Ukraine, August 21-25, pp.11 (2017) (in Russian)

