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V.R. Tuz
Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine, 4 Krasnoznamennaya St., Kharkov 61002 Ukraine
45 Publications
( Show/Hide statistics )Books and Book Chapters
1. V.R. Tuz, I.V. Fedorin and V.I. Fesenko: Modal Phenomena of Surface and Bulk Polaritons in Magnetic-Semiconductor Superlattices, in Surface Waves - New Trends and Developments, ed. By Farzad Ebrahimi (InTech), Chapter 6. ISBN: 978-1-78923-063-5, pp.99-125 (2018) |
2. V.R. Tuz and V.I. Fesenko: Gaussian Beam Tunneling through a Gyrotropic-Nihility Finely-Stratified Structure, in Contemporary Optoelectronics: Materials, Metamaterials and Device Applications, ed. by O. Shulika and I. Sukhoivanov (Springer, Dordrecht, 2016), Chapter 6, ISBN: 978-94-017-7314-0, pp.99-113 (2016) |
3. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Terahertz Aperiodic Multilayered Structure Arranged According to the Kolakoski Sequence, Terahertz and Mid Infrared Radiation: Detection of Explosives and CBRN (Using Terahertz), ed. by M. Pereira and O. Shulika (Springer, Dordrecht, 2014), Chapter 4, ISBN 978-94-017-8571-6. DOI 10.1007/9, pp.25-32 (2014) |
Articles in Refereed Journals
4. Z. He, S. Gu, V.R. Tuz, X. Wang and V.I. Fesenko: Stable vortex waves generation by a flexible antenna made of highly conductive graphene film, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 123, #23, pp.231103 (1-8) (2023) |
5. A.S. Kupriianov, V.I. Fesenko, A.B. Evlyukhin, W. Han and V.R. Tuz: Trapped mode control in metasurfaces composed of particles with the form birefringence property, Optics Express, Vol. 31, pp.6996-7011 (2023) |
6. V.R. Tuz, A.B. Evlyukhin and V.I. Fesenko: Transition between radial and toroidal orders in a trimer-based magnetic metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied, Vol. 20, pp.044024 (1-14) (2023) |
7. Z. He, Y. Wang, X. Wang, A.S. Kupriianov, V.R. Tuz and V.I. Fesenko: Multi-band orbital angular momentum mode-division multiplexing by a compact set of microstrip ring-shaped resonator antenna, Optics Express, Vol. 30, #26, pp.46209-46226 (2022) |
8. V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Terahertz Modes of Surface Plasmons in |
9. A. Trubin, A.S. Kupriianov, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Coupling coefficients for dielectric cuboids located in free space, Applied Optics, Vol. 59, #23, pp.1-7 (2020) |
10. V.R. Tuz and V.I. Fesenko: Magnetically induced topological transitions of hyperbolic dispersion in biaxial gyrotropic media, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 128, #1, pp.013107 (2020) |
11. V.I. Shcherbinin, V.I. Fesenko, T.I. Tkachova and V.R. Tuz: Superscattering from subwavelength corrugated cylinders, Phys. Rev. Applied, Vol. 13, pp.1-12 (2020) |
12. A.S. Kupriianov, V.R. Tuz, V.I. Shcherbinin, A. Trubin and V.I. Fesenko: All-dielectric Vogel metasurface antennas with bidirectional radiation pattern, Journal of Optics, Vol. 22, #3, pp.1-8 (2020) |
13. V.I. Fesenko, A.S. Kupriianov, A. Sayanski, V.I. Shcherbinin, A. Trubin and V.R. Tuz: Approach to analysis of all-dielectric free-form antenna system, Optics Express, Vol. 27, #16, pp.22363-2237 (2019) |
14. V.I. Shcherbinin, Y.K. Moskvitina, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Dual-polarized all-angle cloaking of a dielectric nanowire by helical graphene ribbons, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 100, #3, pp.035428 (2019) |
15. V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Lossless and loss-induced topological transitions of isofrequency surfaces in a biaxial gyroelectromagnetic medium, Phys. Rev. B, Vol. 99, pp.094404.1-9 (2019) |
16. I.V. Fedorin, V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, G. Khrypunov and A. Khrypunova: Topological Transition Points in a Magnetic-Semiconductor Periodic Structure in an External Magnetic Field, ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A, Vol. 135, #4, pp.626-631 (2019) |
17. P. Yu, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Dispersion features of complex waves in a graphene-coated semiconductor nanowire, Nanophotonics, Vol. 7, #5, pp.925-934 (2018) |
18. V.I. Shcherbinin, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Low-loss forward and backward surface plasmons in a semiconductor nanowire coated by helical graphene strips, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, #35(8), pp.2066?2074 (2018) |
19. V.I. Fesenko, V.I. Shcherbinin and V.R. Tuz: Multiple invisibility regions induced by symmetry breaking in a trimer of subwavelength graphene-coated nanowires, Journal of the Optical Society of America A, Vol. 35, #10, pp.1760-1768 (2018) |
20. V.R. Tuz, V.I. Fesenko, I.V. Fedorin, H.-B. Sun and W. Han: Coexistence of bulk and surface polaritons in a magnetic-semiconductor superlattice influenced by a transverse magnetic field., Journal of Applied Physics, #121, pp.103102 (2017) |
21. V.R. Tuz, I.V. Fedorin, V.I. Fesenko, H.-B. Sun, V.M. Shulga and W. Han: Dispersion peculiarities of hybrid modes in a circular waveguide filled by a composite gyroelectromagnetic medium., Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 31, #3, pp.350-362 (2017) |
22. V.R. Tuz, V.I. Fesenko, I.V. Fedorin, H.-B. Sun and V.M. Shulga: Crossing and anti-crossing effects of polaritons in a magnetic-semiconductor superlattice influenced by an external magnetic field., Superlattices and Microstructures, Vol. 103, pp.285-294 (2017) |
23. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, I.V. Fedorin, H.-B. Sun, V.M. Shulga and W. Han: Control of single-mode operation in a circular waveguide filled by a longitudinally magnetized gyroelectromagnetic medium., Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, Vol. 31, #13, pp.1265-1276 (2017) |
24. V.R. Tuz, I.V. Fedorin and V.I. Fesenko: Bi-hyperbolic isofrequency surface in a magnetic-semiconductor superlattice., Optics Letters, #42, pp.4561-4564 (2017) |
25. V.R. Tuz, I.V. Fedorin and V.I. Fesenko: Modal phenomena of surface and bulk polaritons in magnetic-semiconductor superlattices, arXiv:1705.08597v1, pp.1-13 (2017) |
26. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, O.V. Shulika and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Dispersion properties of Kolakoski-cladding hollow-core nanophotonic Bragg waveguide, Nanophotonics, Vol. 5, #1, pp.1-9 (2016) |
27. V.I. Fesenko, I.V. Fedorin and V.R. Tuz: Dispersion regions overlapping for bulk and surface polaritons in a magnetic-semiconductor superlattice, Optics Letters, Vol. 41, #9, pp.2093-2096 (2016) |
28. V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Dispersion blue-shift in an aperiodic Bragg reflection waveguide, Optics Communications, Vol. 365, pp.225-230 (2016) |
29. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, P.P.R. Garcia and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Dispersion properties of a one-dimensional aperiodic OmniGuide structure, Proceedings of SPIE, 9200-920017, pp.1-7 (2014) |
30. V.R. Tuz, V.I. Fesenko and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Optical characterization of the aperiodic multilayered anisotropic structure based on Kolakoski sequence, Proceedings of SPIE, Special Issue "Integrated Optics: Physics and Simulations", Vol. 8781, pp.87811C1-C8 (2013) |
Presentations on International Meetings
31. S. Gu, Z. He, X. Wang, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: A Flexible Graphene-Based Antenna for RF Vortex Generation, 2024 IEEE 7th International Conference on Electronic Information and Communication Technology (ICEICT) (2024) |
32. Z. He, S. Gu, V.R. Tuz, X. Wang and V.I. Fesenko: Flexible graphene-based antenna for generating electromagnetic waves carrying orbital angular momentum, 2023 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2023), October 15-18, Nanjing, China, pp.1-4 (2023) |
33. V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Trapped mode control in all-dielectric metasurfaces composed of uniaxial anisotropic nanoparticles, 11th International Conference Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials (NANO-2023), August 16-19, Bukovel, Ukraine, pp.506 (2023) |
34. V.I. Fesenko, D.M. Vavriv, P. Savi and V.R. Tuz: Bi-hyperbolic and tetra-hyperbolic isofrequency topologies in a gyroelectromagnetic medium, 9-th International Conference on Antennas and Electromagnetic Systems (AES 2023), June 5-8, Torremolinos, Spain, pp.242-243 (2023) |
35. Z. He, V.R. Tuz, P. Savi, D.M. Vavriv and V.I. Fesenko: Characterization of OAM Antenna Operating in a Multiplexing State, 2022 IEEE Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (CAMA 2022), December 14-17, Guangzhou, China, pp.1-4 (2022) |
36. I.V. Fedorin, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Extreme States and Anomalous Dispersion of Surface Waves in Composite Gyroelectromagnetic Material., Proceedings of the 47th European Microwave Conference. The European Microwave Week (EuMW 2017), Nuremberg (Germany), pp.735-738 (2017) |
37. I.V. Fedorin, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Adaptive control of hybrid modes in a longitudinally magnetized gyroelectromagnetic circular waveguide., XI International Conference on Antenna Theory and Techniques (ICATT 2017), Kyiv (Ukraine), pp.318-320 (2017) |
38. V.R. Tuz, V.I. Fesenko and I.V. Fedorin: Extraordinary dispersion features of polaritons in a magnetic superlattice, 7-th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL'2016), Odessa (Ukraine), pp.138-139 (2016) |
39. I.V. Fedorin, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Anomalous dispersion of polaritons in a magnetic-semiconductor superlattice, 16-th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET 2016), Lviv (Ukraine), pp.149-152 (2016) |
40. V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Gyrotropic-nihility state in magnetic superlattices, 16-th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET 2016) (Invited talk), Lviv (Ukraine), pp.330-333 (2016) |
41. I.V. Fedorin, V.I. Fesenko and V.R. Tuz: Dispersion relations for bulk and surface polaritons in a magnetic-semiconductor superlattice, 9-th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW'2016), Kharkiv (Ukraine), pp.1-4 (2016) |
42. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, P.P.R. Garcia, I.A. Sukhoivanov and O.V. Shulika: One-dimensional aperiodic OmniGuide structure, Proceedings of the VII International Workshop: Septima Reunion Universitaria de Fotonica y Optica (RUFO), September 24-26, Salamanca, Guanajuato, Mexico, pp.22-22 (2014) |
43. V.I. Fesenko, V.R. Tuz, P.P.R. Garcia and I.A. Sukhoivanov: Dispersion properties of a one-dimensional aperiodic OmniGuide structure, SPIE Optics+Photonics. Photonic Fiber and Crystal Devices: Advances in Materials and Innovations in Device Applications VIII, San Diego, California (USA), 17-20 August, pp.463 (2014) |
44. V.R. Tuz and V.I. Fesenko: Gaussian beam tunneling through a gyrotropic-nihility finely stratified structure, Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference on Advanced Optoelectronics and Lasers (CAOL-2013), Sudak, Crimea, Ukraine, pp.260-262 (2013) |
45. B.A. Kochetov, V.R. Tuz, P.L. Mladyonov, S.L. Prosvirnin and L.A. Kochetova: Modeling of Nonlinear Fish-Scale Metamaterial via Coupled Duffing Oscillators, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering, Telecommunications and Computer Science (TCSET-2012), Lviv - Slavske, Ukraine, February 21-24, pp.542-543 (2012) |
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