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I.Yu. Chernyshov

Institute of Radio Astronomy of NAS of Ukraine, 4 Krasnoznamennaya St., Kharkov 61002 Ukraine

13 Publications

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Books and Book Chapters

1. A.B. Belogortsev, D.M. Vavriv, O.A. Tretyakov and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Chaos due to resonant and non resonant modes interaction., In : Waveguides and Electronic Components, Eds.: N.A. Khitshnyak, V.P.Tshilkov, Ukraine, Kharkov, Test-Radio Press, pp.193-224 (1990) (in Russian)

Articles in Refereed Journals

2. D.M. Vavriv and I.Yu. Chernyshov: On stability of parametric amplifiers., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 37, #11, pp.2010-2017 (1992) (in Russian)

3. I.Yu. Chernyshov and D.M. Vavriv: Chaotic instability of parametric amplifiers. , Phys. Lett. A, Vol. 165, pp.117-123 (1992)

4. D.M. Vavriv, Yu.A. Tsarin and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Forced oscillations in coupled passive oscillators., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 36, #10, pp.2015-2023 (1991) (in Russian)

5. D.M. Vavriv, V.B. Ryabov and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Chaotic dynamics of parametric forced oscillators., Zh. Tekh. F iz., Vol. 61, #12, pp.1-11 (1991) (in Russian)

6. D.M. Vavriv and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Chaotic dynamics of the non-autonomous generator with coupled circuits., Izv. Vuzov - Radiofizika, Vol. 34, #1, pp.138-144 (1991) (in Russian)

7. A.B. Belogortsev, D.M. Vavriv, M.F. Polyashenko and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Chaos in active and passive oscillators with resonant interaction., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 35, #12, pp.2599-2605 (1990) (in Russian)

8. D.M. Vavriv and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Experimental investigation of stochastic instability of resonant oscillators., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 35, #1, pp.151-158 (1990) (in Russian)

9. D.M. Vavriv and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Dynamical chaos in the synchronized tuned oscillators with amplitude-modulated input signals, Telecommun. & Radio Engineering, Vol. 44, #9, pp.77-80 (1989)

10. D.M. Vavriv, O.A. Tretyakov and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Double frequency oscillations break in a nonlinear RLC-circuit., Radiotekhnika i Elektronika, Vol. 34, #8, pp.1698-1706 (1989) (in Russian)

Presentations on International Meetings

11. D.M. Vavriv and I.Yu. Chernyshov: Chaotic dynamics of two-mode systems., Proc. of the 2nd All-union conference "Nonlinear oscillations of mechanical systems", USSR, Gorkiy, Vol. 1 (1990) (in Russian)

12. A.B. Belogortsev, I.Yu. Chernyshov, V.B. Ryabov and D.M. Vavriv: Chaotic dynamics of weakly nonlinear oscillators with quasiperiodic excitation., Proc. IV Int. Workshop on Nonlinear and Turbulent Processes in Physics, USSR, Kiev, Vol. 2, pp.354-357 (1989) (in Russian)

13. I.Yu. Chernyshov and D.M. Vavriv: Experimental investigation of dynamical chaos in weakly nonlinear oscillators, Proc. of the 10-th Int. Conf. on Noise in Phys. Syst., Hungary, Budapest, pp.651-655 (1989)

